PGRA members,
You will have received communication in regards to our AGM occurring April 7, and I look forward to seeing many of you there virtually. It will mark the official end of the most unique year in amateur sport I have been involved in, obviously heavily influenced by COVID-19 restrictions. Like all of you, I am eagerly anticipating that with BC’s COVID-19 vaccine timelines as per Dr. Bonnie Henry, we will be able to return to game play for the 2021/22 season. All fingers and toes crossed.
There are several Board positions up for reelection this year as outlined in a previous email, so I am hopeful some of you consider volunteering. I’ve had the privilege to be on the Board as President since this past summer, and although in the context of a Pandemic it was a difficult season, it was rewarding to see our players on the ice knowing the amount of volunteer effort it took from all involved. Specific to working on the Board, I was able to join a very dedicated, capable team and it has been a positive experience. That said, the President position will also be up for election at the AGM as I’ve decided to step away from this volunteer position. As long as I have kids in the association I look forward to volunteering in other capacities, and will support any transition that is required. There is a lot of energy and enthusiasm on the Board to continue to grow the organization, and tangible examples include a recent partnership with School District 57 for a Gym ringette Program, as well as a Power to Play Program ( to encourage enrollment. I am confident that for anyone who volunteers to be on the PGRA Board, you will find it is a table that welcomes new ideas, creativity, and dedication to the ethics and values our membership would expect.
If anyone is interested in speaking about the President role on the Board, please contact me at or put your name forward to myself and Dana Cole ( along with a short bio so we can circulate as part of the final AGM package.
Thanks for all of your efforts this season, and I hope to see you in the rink (cheering on our players in game situations!) next season.
Aaron Bond
Prince George Ringette Association